Single Dad Seeks To Raise $10,000 by Christmas $1 At A Time

Released on = November 27, 2006, 1:00 pm

Press Release Author = Tom Smith

Industry =

Press Release Summary = A 48-year-old divorced dad is seeking to raise $10,000 by
Christmas through donations of $1.00 each to help him get back on his feet.

Press Release Body = A 48-year-old divorced dad is seeking to raise $10,000 by
Christmas through donations of $1.00 each to help him get back on his feet.
Unemployed after being laid off in September for the 3rd time in a year he said he
is running out of time and out of options. "With rent due in a week and Christmas
coming up I have run out of options and am turning to the Internet in hoping the
Holiday spirit will bring out the generosity of people and they will be willing to
help us out."

He is asking people visit his website and donate just $1.00. And also help spread
the word. "If 900,000 people can view a video on YouTube, I am hoping to bring
10,000 people to my website to hear my story"

Many people will think this is some sort of scam. And rightly so. "If I could sit
down with each and every one of you and tell you my story you would quickly know I
am not out to scam anyone."

This is not some scheme cooked up by a couple of college kids in their dorm room to
make money for spring break, but a last ditch effort by one desperate dad trying to
keep his head above water.

He is keeping his identity private to protect his son and to save both of them the
embarrassment he is feeling about needing to ask for help. There are no ulterior
motives, no political agenda, no book or movie deals.

Web Site =

Contact Details = Tom Smith
5400 Vernon Ave
Edina, MN 55436

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